Wednesday, February 06, 2008

More Casa Pictures

The new roof for the open living space will also be a teraza (large balcony) for the palapa level of the house; once the floor is finished with tiles, a rail will be added all around...a good place to go out and paint in the morning - or see the sunset.

It's surprising that the whole village isnt paved with concrete by now...for small jobs here, the concrete is just mixed on the street, and hauled in in 5 gallon buckets by Manuel, Mario, and Pepe, so Angel and Martin can use it for the plastering of all those new this time, though they are taking their desayunos break, and the shovels are getting a rest, too.

The third shot (going up) is the house seen from the front - the large tree is a primavera, and the vine climbing it is called a leticia (has beautiful mauve flowers)...2 different garden experts have assured me that the vine won't choke the tree - it sure is vigorous, though...

The last picture here gives an idea of all the layers of construction...would make a good abstract painting...oh, the muchachos have just arrived to start work - they always arrive about 10 minutes early, start work at 8:00, and work till 5:00, with only one formal meal break for an hour. I enjoy practicing my Spanish with them, though it takes concentration, as they speak so quickly, and in the local dialect...mas despacio, por favor!

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